Sunday, March 22, 2009

Kate Bush's Aerial (2005)

I have been an on again, off again fan of the music of Kate Bush since the mid 1980's. I have always loved her original and often quirky lyrics. Aerial has become a much played favourite, although I do ration myself so as to not loose my taste for it, and also not drive family and friends crazy. It's that old saying: everything in moderation.

Back to Kate and Aerial (and Constant Reader, I am quite deliberately not looking at any reviews of it so I can write honestly of my impressions), I think it does what I think all music should do, that is, Kate's music transports you; it raises positive emotions in you; the lyrics and the music paint pictures in your mind. So please give me license, for here I am operating at the level of my emotions and not acting as a very amateur music critic. In Aerial, Kate Bush, turns the commonplace: housekeeping into music (Mrs. Bartolozzi); Pi (the mathematical ratio) into music, however, I am sure most mathematicians would say emphatically that maths is music; she sings of passion (Joanni and An architect's dream); of love for her son (Bertie); and of nature, and of the passage of time (Sunset and Aerial).

Now go and listen to it! If you don't want to take my word and need a professional review go to allMusic, look up Kate Bush or Aerial, read the review (which I have just read to conclude this post) and listen. Her official website is to be found here:

Details: Bush, Kate Aerial. [London] : EMI, 2005 (2 CDs, runtime: 80 minutes); released in Australia as EMI 0946 3 43960 2 8

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