To you out there in the Blog-world, greetings,
I am about to look for my dad (above, Dad, aged 24 or 25, ca. 1948 from his UN IRO control book).
If you know me (and its very likely you don't) you will say that's strange or stupid as he died on 28 October and he lived in Australia for 59 of his 85 years. Yes, you're right, but it is the years before 1962 that are a big black hole; the years before he met and married my mum. There are some fragments, some scraps he passed on; things he told mum and a few things to me, much, however, he never talked about - ever. That's quite a contrast to my mum's family: I know lots, where they came from, who they are, there are photos going back four (or five) generations, et cetera.
So I am going to look for my dad and doing what I do for a living provides some clues as to where to start the search. I have some names and the name of place he was born in. He's gone and there is no one who I know who knew him before 1962; no one before he arrived here in 1949; but maybe I can follow the record trail and that may lead to other information (and maybe, if I am very lucky, people).
This could get interesting.
Just so you know, Peter, this is Lynne.
Wow. So much I don't know about my family. Very interesting. Oh this is your favourite niece by the way...
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